Tanam Satu Juta Benih Padi per Hektar Tiap Bulan, Swasembada Beras 100 Tahun

Indonesian Agriculture Minister Revealed the Secrets of Rice Self-sufficiency

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Tanam Satu Juta Benih Padi per Hektar Tiap Bulan, Swasembada Beras 100 Tahun
Mentan Amran Sulaiman (kemeja putih) menguji coba mesin panen padi, combine harvester, saat panen padi di Kabupaten Maros, Sulsel (Foto: Humas Kementan)

Jakarta (B2B) - Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman mengungkap ´resep jitu´ sebagai solusi apabila Indonesia tidak ingin impor beras, maka petani harus menanam satu juta benih per hektar setiap bulan, apabila dikali enam akan menghasilkan enam juta ton kemudian dibagi dua akan setara tiga juta ton beras untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pangan penduduk di seluruh negeri tercinta ini.

"Kalau hal itu mampu dilakukan secara rutin dan berkesinambungan, sampai 100 tahun kita tidak perlu impor beras. Semoga menteri berikutnya lebih tangguh," kata Mentan Amran Sulaiman pada Kamis (16/11) usai panen padi di Kabupaten Maros, Provinsi Sulawesi Selatan.

Saat dialog dengan petani setelah panen di Desa Tanete, Kecamatan Simbang tersebut, Mentan mengingatkan jajarannya maupun Bupati Maros Hatta Rahman untuk segera merealisasikan kebutuhan petani.

"Saya minta tolong apa yang diminta mereka (petani) tolong direalisasi secepatnya, kecuali untuk eskavator beri saya waktu dalam dua bulan," kata Mentan.

Dia mengapresiasi petani di Desa Tanete yang mengandalkan sawah tadah hujan seluas 400 hektar tapi mampu panen padi IP300 hingga delapan ton per hektar, padahal petani setempat hanya mengandalkan air dari sumur dan sungai yang disedot dengan pompa air.

Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesian Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman uncovered the ´recipe´ as a solution for rice self-sufficiency, armers should plant one million rice per hectare each month, if multiplied by six would produce six million tons of grain then divide by two, would be equivalent to three million tons of rice to meet the food needs of people across the country.

"If it can be done regularly and continuously, in the next 100 years we do not need to import rice, hopefully the next minister is tougher," said Minister Sulaiman on Thursday (November 16) after the rice harvest in Maros district of South Sulawesi province.

While in dialogue with farmers of Tanete village in Simbang subdistrict, he reminded his subordinates and Maros Regent Hatta Rahman to immediately realize the needs of farmers.

"I ask what they asked (farmers) please realize as soon as possible, except for the excavator, I ask for two months," he said.

He appreciated the Tanete village farmers who rely on 400 hectares of rain-fed rice fields but can harvest up to eight tons per hectare, whereas local farmers rely only on water from wells and rivers with water pumps.