Benih Buatan Indonesia Mampu Bersaing

Indonesian Seeds Capable to Compete with the Imported Products

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Benih Buatan Indonesia Mampu Bersaing
Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Hortikultura Kementan, Yul Bahar (kiri), Direktur CV Multi Global Agrindo, Mulyono Herlambang, Ketua Presidium IPBH Slamet Sulistiyono (insert) Foto2: B2B/Mya

Jember (B2B) - Produksi benih yang dihasilkan oleh industri benih lokal mampu bersaing dengan benih impor maupun produksi perusahaan asing, selain itu benih impor tidak sesuai dengan iklim di Indonesia bahkan daya adaptasinya rendah terhadap kondisi tanah di Indonesia.

Ketua Presidium Ikatan Produsen Benih Hortikultura (IPBH) Slamet Sulistyono di Jember, Jawa Timur mengatakan
 produksi benih hortikultura Indonesia mampu memenuhi kebutuhan benih di seluruh Indonesia, sehingga dapat mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap benih impor maupun produksi benih dari perusahaan multinasional yang beroperasi di Indonesia.

"Industri benih lokal mampu memenuhi seluruh kebutuhan benih di seluruh Indonesia karena kepasitas produksinya melampaui permintaan," kata Slamet Sulistiyono saat menerima kunjungan jurnalis dari Forum Wartawan Pertanian (Forwatan).

Pendapat senada dikemukakan Sekretaris Direktorat Jenderal Hortikultura di Kementerian Pertanian, Yul Bahar bahwa  industri benih dalam negeri mampu memproduksi benih hortikultura dengan kualitas yang bersaing.

Menurutnya, selama ini selalu dinyatakan hanya perusahaan multinasional asing yang mampu memproduksi benih hortikultura ternyata sejumlah produsen dalam negeri membuktikan mampu menghasilkan benih tersebut.

"Selama ini selalu dicitrakan bahwa (produsen) Indonesia tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan benih sendiri. Kita mampu memproduksi benih hortikultura," katanya.

Jember (B2B) - The seeds production of the local industry capable to competing with imported seed production and multinational companies in Indonesia. The seeds of foreign companies are also not suited to the climate in Indonesia, and low adaptability to soil conditions in Indonesia.

Chairman of the Indonesian Horticultural Seeds Producers Association (IPBH) Slamet Sulistyono in Jember, East Java said the local horticultural seed production capable meet the needs of seeds across Indonesia, so as to reduce dependence on imported seeds and seed production of multinational companies operating in Indonesia.

"Local industry capable meet the needs of seeds across Indonesia, because the demand exceeded production capacity," Slamet Sulistiyono said to journalists of Agricultural Journalists Forum (Forwatan).

Secretary of Directorate General Horticulture Yul Bahar said that the domestic seeds industry capable to produce horticultural seeds with competitive quality.

According to him, has always expressed only foreign multinational companies capable to produce horticultural seeds, evidently local seeds producers proved capable of producing quality seed.

"It´s always imaged that Indonesia is not able to meet the needs of their own seeds, in fact we were able," he said.