Ditjen Hortikultura - Bulog Gelar Operasi Pasar Sambut Lebaran
Indonesia`s Staple Goods Bazaar Ahead of the Eid
Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Direktorat Jenderal Hortikultura di Kementerian Pertanian RI dan Perum Badan Urusan Logistik (Bulog), Rabu pagi (15/7), melakukan operasi pasar di Pasar Induk Kramat Jati, Jakarta Timur dengan menyuplai bahan-bahan pokok demi mengimbangi tingginya permintaan konsumen menjelang Hari Raya Idul Fitri 1436 H, sehingga dapat menekan lonjakan harga.
Kedua instansi pemerintah menyediakan lima komoditas pangan pokok yakni cabai, beras, bawang merah, gula pasir, dan minyak goreng.
Direktur Jenderal Hortikultura, Spudnik Sudjono mengatakan harga cabai dalam beberapa hari terakhir melonjak hingga Rp45 ribu per kg, dan Bulog menyuplai cabai dengan harga Rp29 ribu per kg agar tetap terjangkau konsumen.
"Sejak pekan lalu, harga cabai naik sampai Rp45 ribu per kg, dan saat ini kami memasok dengan harga Rp29 ribu per kg untuk memenuhi kebutuhan konsumen," kata Spudnik Sudjono kepada pers di Pasar Induk Kramat Jati.
Direktur Utama Perum Bulog, Djarot Kusumayakti menambahkan bahwa Bulog menyediakan empat ton cabai, 200 kg bawang merah, beras satu ton, dan gula 500 kg.
"Bulog memasok sebanyak mungkin disebar ke beberapa pasar tradisional secara rutin dengan harapan dapat menekan lonjakan harga," kata Djarot.
Jakarta (B2B) - Indonesia Agriculture Ministry´s Directorate General of Horticulture and Logistics Agency on Wednesday morning (7/15) held the Staple Goods Bazaar at the Kramat Jati Central Market of East Jakarta to meet consumer demand ahead of the Eid, so it can suppress price surge.
Both government institutions provide staple goods such as chili, rice, onion, sugar, and cooking oil.
Director General of Horticulture, Spudnik Sudjono said in recent days the price of pepper increased to 45,000 rupiahs per kg, and Bulog supply the chili for 29,000 rupiahs per kg so it is not too expensive for consumers.
"Since last week, the price of chili rose to 45,000 per kg, and at this time we only sell 29,000 rupiahs per kg to meet consumer needs," Mr Sudjono told the reporters in Kramat Jati Central Market.
President Director of Bulog, Djarot Kusumayakti added that it provides four tons of chili, 200 kg shallots, one ton of rice and sugar 500 kg.
"We are supplying as much as possible to some traditional markets regularly in hopes suppress the price," Mr Kusumayakti said.