Bawang Putih Harganya Turun ke Rp30 Ribu per Kg
Garlic Price Dropped to Rp 30 Thousand per Kg
Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Jakarta (B2B) - Pemerintah akan terus melepas kontainer berisi bawang putih yang saat ini masih tertahan di di Pelabuhan Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, Jawa Timur untuk mendorong turunnya harga bawang putih sehingga harganya terjangkau masyarakat. Harga bawang putih yang sebelumnya Rp80 ribu per kg turun kini turun menjadi Rp 20 ribu hingga Rp30 ribu per kg.
Saat ini, menurut Balai Karantina Surabaya, masih terdapat 531 kontainer berisi bawang, yang terdiri dari 293 kontainer bawang putih atau setara 8.790 ton dan 30 kontainer bawang bombai (setara 900 ton). Sebanyak 41 kontainer telah dikeluarkan Karantina Tanjung Perak dan ada 167 kontainer sisanya belum teridentifikasi.
Penegasan tersebut dikemukakan Menteri Perdagangan, Gita Wirjawan yang memutuskan untuk melepas secara bertahap secepat mungkin ke-239 kontainer.
"Harga di level Rp20 ribu per kg hingga Rp30 ribu per kg sulit turun lagi, karena pemerintah sudah menandatangani kontrak kesepakatan dengan pengimpor akan menjual harga bawang putih ke distributor sebesar Rp15 ribu per kg," kata Gita Wirjawan kepada pers di kantornya, Jumat (22/3).
Imbasnya, harga jual ke pasar dipertahankan di level tersebut dan konsumen pun tidak akan keberatan membeli bawang putih yang harganya pernah melambung di level Rp 80.000 per kg hingga Rp 100.000 per kg.
Jakarta (B2B) - The government will continue to release containers of garlic which is still stuck at the Port of Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, East Java, to encourage lower prices of garlic so affordable community. Garlic prices previously Rp80 thousand per kg down now dropped to Rp 20 thousand to Rp 30 thousand per kilogram.
Currently, according to Quarantine Surabaya, there are 531 containers of onions, which consists of 293 containers of garlic or equivalent 8790 tons and 30 containers of onions (equivalent to 900 tons). A total of 41 containers had been removed and there are Quarantine Tanjung Perak remaining 167 containers have not been identified.
The assertion was put forward, Trade Minister Gita Wirjawan who decided to release as soon as possible gradually to 239 containers.
"The price at the level of Rp20 thousand per kg to Rp30 thousand per kg lowered difficult, because the government has signed an agreement with importers will sell garlic prices to distributors of Rp15 thousand per kg," said Gita Wirjawan told reporters at his office on Friday (22/3).
Impact, the selling price to be maintained at the level of the market and consumers will not mind buying garlic prices have soared in the level of Rp 80,000 per kg to Rp 100,000 per kg.