Rp21 Triliun, Dana untuk Perbaikan Irigasi di Seluruh Indonesia
Repairing of Irrigation Throughout Indonesia Needs Rp21 Trillion
Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani
Batang (B2B) - Sekitar 52% saluran irigasi pertanian di seluruh Indonesia rusak dan memerlukan dana sekitar Rp21 triliun untuk rehabilitasi. Anggaran infrastruktur pertanian termasuk rehabilitasi saluran irigasi tersier di Kementerian Pertanian mencapai Rp3 triliun, sementara anggaran yang tersedia di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum hanya Rp3 triliun.
Menteri Pertanian Suswono mengatakan apabila 52% irigasi yang rusak tersebut diperbaiki akan meningkatkan produksi beras hingga 9,1 juta ton dari target surplus 10 juta ton beras pada 2014.
"Pencapaian target surplus 10 juta ton beras pada 2014 dapat terealisir apabila seluruh saluran irigasi yang rusak diperbaiki. Sayangnya, anggaran yang tersedia untuk perbaikan irigasi di Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum hanya Rp3 triliun. Anggaran di Kementerian Pertanian untuk infrastruktur pertanian termasuk rehabilitasi saluran irigasi tersier sekitar Rp3 triliun," kata Suswono kepada pers dalam kunjungan kerjanya di Batang, Jawa Tengah, Sabtu (8/6).
Menyikapi hal itu, Menteri Pertanian mengingatkan kepada para petani di Desa Depok, Batang, Jawa Tengah untuk mengantisipasi kemungkinan terjadinya hujan sepanjang tahun 2013, yang akan berdampak pada pencapaian produksi padi.
Menurutnya, dalam prakiraan cuaca Badan Meteorologi, Klimatologi dan Geofisika (BMKG) disebutkan kemungkinan hujan sepanjang tahun seperti pada 2010.
"Hujan sepanjang tahun sesuai prakiraan BMKG dapat berdampak pada pencapaian produksi pangan di bawah target yang ditetapkan pemerintah," kata Suswono di hadapan petani dan penyuluh pertanian di Desa Depok.
Batang (B2B) - Approximately 52% of agricultural irrigation tract in Indonesia damaged and require funding of about Rp21 trillion for rehabilitation. Budget agricultural infrastructure including rehabilitation of tertiary irrigation in the Ministry of Agriculture reached Rp3 trillion, while the budget available at the Ministry of Public Works only Rp3 trillion.
Agriculture Minister Suswono said that if 52% of irrigation are damaged beyond repair, will increase rice production to 9.1 million tonnes of surplus target of 10 million tonnes of rice in 2014.
"Achieving the target of 10 million tons of rice surplus by 2014 can be realize if all the irrigation tract are damaged beyond repair. Unfortunately, the budget available for the improvement of irrigation in the Ministry of Public Works only Rp3 trillion. Budget in the Ministry of Agriculture for agricultural infrastructure including rehabilitation of tertiary irrigation around Rp3 trillion, "said Suswono told reporters in his visit in Batang, Central Java, on Saturday (8/6).
In response, the Agriculture Minister reminds farmers in the Depok village, Batang, Central Java, to anticipate the possibility of rain throughout the year 2013, which will have an impact on the achievement of rice production.
According to him, the weather forecasts Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) mentioned the possibility of rain throughout the year as of 2010.
"It raining the whole year according BMKG forecasts may impact on the achievement of food production under the government´s target," said Suswono in the presence of farmers and agricultural extension workers in the Depok village.