Salak Lumut dari Magelang Diekspor ke China Hingga 5 Ton

Salak Moss from Magelang Exporting to China Up to 5 Tons

Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Ismail Gani
Translator : Novita Cahyadi

Salak Lumut dari Magelang Diekspor ke China Hingga 5 Ton
Mentan Suswono berdialog dengan petani salak dan penyuluh pertanian di Magelang (Foto: B2B/Mya)

Magelang (B2B) - Bencana ternyata membawa hikmah bagi warga Desa Sudimoro, Kecamatan Srumbung, Magelang, Jawa Tengah yang menanam salak lumut dan kini para petani setempat dapat mengekspor salak lumut ke China sebanyak lima ton.

Sejumlah kelompok tani di Desa Sudimoro, Kecamatan Srumbung telah mengekspor varietas salak lumut ke China. Produksi salak lumut bangkit pasca erupsi Merapi tahun 2010. Meskipun, saat ini baru 60% produksi salak, yang menjadi varietas unggulan Kabupaten Magelang tersebut.

"Ekspor kami lakukan mulai November sampai Desember tahun lalu ke China sebanyak lima ton. Ada sekitar 46 titik lahan salak yang bisa memenuhi ekspor. Untuk luasannya mencapai 18 hektar," kata Ketua Kelompok Tani Sekar Arum, Sunaryo kepada pers saat kunjungan Menteri Pertanian Suswono di kawasan tersebut, Rabu (6/3).

Mentan Suswono menyambut baik keberhasilan petani salak lumut yang menyempatkan diri mencicipi varietas salak lumut yang akan diekspor.

"Buah salak itu khas tanaman tropis, dan tergolong kategori buah-buahan eksotik. Ada potensi besar maka jangan dibiarkan lahannya menganggur," ungkap Mentan.

Suswono pun menyempatkan diri melihat proses pengemasan kualitas ekspor di CV Agro Nusa. "Inilah berkah dari erupsi Merapi. Tanaman tumbuh subur, karena tidak di semua wilayah tumbuh salak dengan baik."

Sunaryo menambahkan, luas lahan untuk penanaman salak di kelompok tani yang dipimpinnya mencapai 32 hektar dengan 120 ribu tanaman salak. Apabila produksi normal, per 1.000 meter lahan mampu menghasilkan sekitar 2,5 ton salak lumut.

"Rinciannya, satu pohon salak mampu menghasilkan 7 hingga 10 kilogram pertahun," ungkap Sunaryo.

Sunaryo berharap, produksi salak lumut semakin meningkat pasca erupsi Merapi. Para petani pun melakukan penguatan pada 9.000 batang salak oleh 30 petani, sehingga bisa memenuhi kuota ekspor.

Magelang (B2B) - The disaster turned out to have a purpose for the people of the Village Sudimoro, Srumbung district, Magelang, Central Java, the salak moss plant and now local farmers can export the salak moss to China as much as five tons.

A number of farmer groups in the village Sudimoro, District Srumbung been exporting varieties of salak moss to China. Production salak moss risen in 2010 after the eruption of Merapi. Although, currently only 60% of salak, which becomes the superior varieties Magelang Regency.

"Our exports are done from November to December of last year to China as much as five tons. There are approximately 46 points of land that can meet the export salak. To its range to 18 acres," said Chairman of Farmers Group Sekar Arum, Sunaryo told reporters during a visit by the Minister of Agriculture Suswono in area, Wednesday (6/3).

Minister of Agriculture Suswono welcomes success of the salak moss farmer, and minister, took time to taste the salak moss varieties for export.

"The fruit salak is typical of tropical plants, and classified categories of exotic fruits. There is great potential so do not be left idle land," said Minister of Agriculture.

Suswono also took time to look at the packaging process export quality CV Agro Nusa. "This is the grace of the eruption of Merapi. Plants thrives, because it is not at all well-grown salak."

Sunaryo added land for planting salak in farming group reached 32 hectares to 120 thousand plants salak. When normal production, per 1,000 feet of land capable of producing about 2.5 tons salak moss.

"The details, the tree salak can produce 7 to 10 kilograms per year," said Sunaryo.

Sunaryo hope, salak moss production increased after the eruption of Merapi. The farmers also strengthen the stem salak in 9000 by 30 farmers, so they can fulfill the export quota.