Petani Jangan Takut Tanam Kedelai, Harga Dijamin Bulog
No Fear to Plant Soybeans, Logistics Agency Guarantee the Price
Reporter : Gusmiati Waris
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu
Brebes (B2B) - Menteri Pertanian Suswono meninjau panen kedelai di Brebes dan meminta petani untuk tidak segan menanam produk tanaman pangan tersebut, karena pemerintah akan menjamin harganya tidak anjlok saat panen raya.
"Peraturan pemerintah melalui Peraturan Presiden sudah keluar. Bulog sudah mendapat tugas untuk membeli kedelai petani. Tidak usah takut harganya akan anjlok," kata Suswono saat berdialog dengan petani kedelai di Desa Sisalam, Kecamatan Wanasari, Kabupaten Brebes, Jawa Tengah, Kamis (6/6).
Suswono menambahkan, Kementerian Pertanian dan Kementerian Perdagangan menyepakati Harga Pokok Pembelian (HPP) kedelai sebesar Rp7.000 per kg. Apabila di pasaran harganya anjlok di bawah Rp7.000/kg maka Bulog akan mengambil langkah-langkah strategis sesuai instruksi Presiden untuk membeli kedelai petani.
Sejak Mei 2013, pemerintah mengeluarkan Peraturan Presiden No 32 Tahun 2013 yang ditandatangani oleh Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono tanggal 8 Mei 2013. Perpres itu menugaskan Bulog untuk menangani pengamanan harga dan penyaluran kedelai dalam upaya mendukung dan meningkatkan ketahanan pangan.
Dalam Perpres itu disebutkan, tata cara pelaksanaan pengamanan harga dan penyaluran kedelai diatur oleh Menteri Perdagangan setelah memperhatikan pertimbangan Menteri Pertanian, Menteri Perindustrian, dan Menteri Koperasi dan Usaha Kecil dan Menengah.
Dengan adanya jaminan pengamanan harga dan distribusi kedelan Mentan berharap keengganan petani untuk menanam kedelai sirna. Mentan mengakui target pencapaian swasembada kedelai menghadapi berbagai kendala. Selain keengganan petani menanam kedelai, juga terbatasnya lahan akibat.
Saat ini luas lahan kedelai secara nasional hanya 700 ribu hektar. Dengan rata-rata produksi per hektar 1,5 ton hingga 2 ton, maka produksi nasional hanya 1,05 juta–1,4 juta ton padahal kebutuhan nasional mencapai 3,2 juta ton per tahun.
Mentan sudah meminta tambahan lahan seluas 500.000 hektare untuk tanaman kedelai kepaa Badan Pertanahan Nasional (BPN). Jika terealisasi plus adanya jaminan harga dan distribusi dari Bulog, ia yakin target swasembada kedelai dapat segera terealisir.
Brebes (B2B) - Agriculture Minister Suswono review the soybean harvest in Brebes to encourage farmers not hesitate to plant soybeans, because the government will ensure the price does not fall during the harvest through the support of the State Logistics Agency (Bulog).
"Government regulations through Presidential Decree was out. Bulog was given the task to buy soybean farmers. No fear the price will drop," said Suswono during a dialogue with soybean farmers in the village Sisalam, District Wanasari, Brebes District, Central Java, on Thursday (6/6).
Suswono added, the Agriculture Ministry and Trade Ministry agreed Cost of Purchase (HPP) of soybean by 7,000 per kg. If the market price fell below the Rp7.000/kg, Bulog will take strategic steps as instructed by the President to buy soybean farmers.
Since May 2013, the government issued Presidential Decree No. 32 Year 2013, which was signed by President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on May 8, 2013. Presidential Decree was assigned Bulog to secure the price and distribution of soybean to support and enhance food security.
Mentioned in the regulation, the implementation of security procedures and distribution of soybean prices are set by the Trade Minister after the consideration of the Agriculture Minister, Industry Minister, and Cooperatives and Small, Medium Enterprises Minister.
With the guarantee of security and distribution of soybean prices, Agriculture Minister hopes the reluctance of farmers to plant soybeans vanished. Suswono recognizes the achievement of the target of self-sufficiency in soybean faces many obstacles. In addition to the reluctance of farmers due to limited land area.
Current national soybean land area is only 700 thousand hectares. With the average production per hectare to 1.5 tonnes to 2 tonnes, the national production is only 1.05 million-1, 4 million tonnes while the national requirement is 3.2 million tons per year.
Agriculture Minister has requested additional land area of ��500,000 hectares for soybean plants to the National Land Agency (BPN). If realized plus a guaranteed price and distribution of Bulog, he believes soybean self-sufficiency target could be realized.