Kehilangan Hasil Panen, Center of Systems Gelar the ASEAN PHL-Project di Bogor
10 ASEAN Member State Held Training for Post Harvest Losses Reduction in Bogor
Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani
![Kehilangan Hasil Panen, Center of Systems Gelar the ASEAN PHL-Project di Bogor]( editan - b.jpg)
Bogor, Jabar (B2B) - Sejumlah pakar dan peneliiti pertanian dari 10 negara anggota ASEAN sejak Oktober 2017 dilibatkan dalam Proyek Kerjasama ASEAN untuk ´menekan tingkat kehilangan produksi pertanian paska panen´ disingkat the ASEAN PHL-Project yang diselenggarakan oleh Center of Systems sebagai host. Kehilangan produksi paska panen menjadi isu krusial dari ketersediaan dan akses pangan dengan meningkatkan produksi dan memperkuat distribusi.
Hari ini, Selasa (24/7) para peserta the PHL-Project mengikuti sesi lanjutan berupa pelatihan di Balai Besar Pasca Panen Badan Litbang Pertanian Kementan di Bogor, dengan pembicara utama Prof Dr Sagara yang menguraikan tentang Teknologi Fundamental Pasca Panen. Prof Dr Eriyatno mengulas tentang estimasi PHL, Prof Dr Sutrisno menjelaskan tentang teknologi reduksi PHL, dan kebijakan PHL diuraikan oleh Prof Dr Djoko Said Damardjati dan Dr Hertomo Heroe.
Sebelumnya, dijadwalkan hadir Dirjen Hortikultura Kementan, Suwandi dan Kepala Balai Besar Pasca Panen, Rishaferi. Namun keduanya berhalangan hadir dan diwakilkan oleh para pejabat terkait.
Regional Expert the ASEAN PHL-Project, Prof Dr Eriyatno mengatakan the ASEAN PHL-Project sejak Oktober 2017 hingga saat ini telah melakukan konsultasi dengan 10 negara anggota ASEAN, yang mendapati fakta bahwa PHL terjadi karena banyak faktor seperti kerusakan fisik selama pengemasan dan transportasi, kerusakan fisiologis, kehilangan air atau karena limbah produk, kelebihan pasokan, dan dalam beberapa kasus akibat kecerobohan konsumen.
"Konsultasi regional atau lintas negara juga berhasil diselesaikan untuk mengembangkan kebijakan dan tindakan bersama afirmatif antara AMS mengenai strategi pengurangan PHL dan aplikasi teknologi tepat guna," kata Prof Eriyatno, yang juga Direktur Center of Systems sebagai host dari kegiatan the ASEAN PHL-Project.
Menurutnya, salah satu hal penting dari konsultasi regional setelah semua peserta dari sembilan negara sepakat, kecuali Singapura, tentang tiga kegiatan utama sebagai pilot project akan dilakukan di Indonesia, Thailand dan Vietnam. Indonesia fokus dengan pilihan komoditas hortikultura khususnya cabai, Vietnam menggarap buah yakni nenas, dan Thailand fokus pada beras.
"Para peserta juga sepakat bahwa sebagai batas ekonomi regional, AMS harus bekerja sama lebih erat dan efektif pada isu-isu PHL dengan partisipasi aktif dari berbagai pemangku kepentingan," kata Prof Eriyatno.
Pilot Coordinator the PHL Project, Sugiono STP MSi menambahkan kegiatan penting berikutnya adalah Pelatihan. Peserta pelatihan diutamakan kepada para pakar dan peneliti sebagai Program Pengembangan Eksekutif, untuk mengadopsi kombinasi berbagai metode untuk memaksimalkan dan memfasilitasi pembelajaran peserta pelatihan.
"Mulai dari berbagi pengalaman, diskusi dan presentasi partisipatif, diskusi kelompok terfokus, kunjungan lapangan," kata Sugiono.
Bogor of West Java (B2B) - Some experts and agricultural researchers of the 10 ASEAN member state since October 2017 are involved in the ASEAN Cooperation Project for ´reduction of post harvest losses or the ASEAN PHL-Project. Reduction of Post-Harvest Losses (PHL) is a critical component of ensuring future global food security. Food availability and accessibility can be improved by increasing production, strengthening distribution, and reducing the losses.
Today, Tuesday (July 24) the participants of the PHL-Project attended ´training reduction of PHL for agricultural produces and products in ASEAN region´ here. Keynote speech of general lecture by Prof Dr Sagara which elaborated about Fundamental of Post Harvest Technology. Prof Dr Eriyatno described the PHL estimation, Prof Dr. Sutrisno explained about PHL reduction technology. Meanwhile, Prof Dr Djoko Said Damardjati dan Dr Hertomo Heroe elaborated about the PHL reduction policy.
Previously, it was scheduled to attend for welcome adress Director of ICAPRD Prof Dr Rishaferi and opening remarks by Agriculture Ministry´s Director General of Horticulture, Suwandi But they are unable to attend and represented by the relevant officials.
Regional Expert the ASEAN PHL-Project, Prof Dr Eriyatno said the ASEAN PHL-Project has been operated since October 2017, and up until now, the projects have already conducted in-country consultation (ICC) to 10 ASEAN member states (AMS) completely. This ICC found that the PHL occurrences due to many factors such as physical damage during packaging and transportation, physiological damage, water loss or sometimes simply because there are product wastes due to market surplus, and in some case is cause by miss-management of buyers.
"The regional consultation (RC) have also successfully completed in order to develop policy andaffirmative joint action among AMS concerning PHL reduction strategies and appropriate technologyapplication," said Prof Dr Eriyatno who also serve as the Director Center of Systems as the host of the ASEAN PHL-Project.
According to him, the regional consultation have also successfully completed in order to develop policy andaffirmative joint action among AMS concerning PHL reduction strategies and appropriate technology application. One of RC important result was that all of participants from 9 AMS (excluding Singapore) agreed three pilot activities would be conducted at Indonesia, Thailand and Vietnam with selected each commodity of vegetable (chili), fruit (pineapple), and food grain (rice), respectively.
"The participants also agreed that as regional economic boundary, AMS should work together more closely and effectively on PHL issues with active participation from various stakeholders," he said.
Pilot Coordinator of the PHL Project, Sugiono STP MSi said the the next step program called training activities. Since the training participants will be a very special and well-knowledge on post-harvest area, therefore the training type will be conducted as Executive Development Program.
"Training will adopt a combination of various methods in order to maximize and facilitate the learning of the trainees, including sharing of experiences, participatorydiscussion and presentation, exercise, focused group discussions, and field learning visits.