Capaian Cetak Sawah Kodam VII/Wirabuana Diapresiasi Mentan
Indonesian Army Developed Wetland New Hailed by Agriculture Minister
Editor : M. Achsan Atjo
Translator : Dhelia Gani
![Capaian Cetak Sawah Kodam VII/Wirabuana Diapresiasi Mentan]( kodam wirabuana.jpg)
Makassar, Sulsel (B2B) - Kodam VII/Wirabuana berhasil meraih peringkat kedua luas cetak sawah - peringkat pertama Kodam XII/Tanjungpura di Kalimantan Barat dan Kalimantan Tengah - dan untuk tingkat komando distrik militer (Kodim) maka Kodim 1423/Soppeng berada di peringkat kelima dan Kodim 1420/Sidrap peringkat 15 untuk program upaya khusus padi, jagung dan kedelai (Upsus Pajale).
Pencapaian tersebut dikemukakan Kepala Staf Kodam VII/Wirabuana, Brigjen TNI Supartodi kepada Menteri Pertanian RI Andi Amran Sulaiman pada rapat koordinasi dan evaluasi program cetak sawah baru dan Upsus Pajale, yang dihadiri oleh Kapolda Sulawesi Selatan, Irjen Anton Charliyan di Makassar pada Jumat (18/11).
"Memang ada masalah pengairan dan kami berupaya melakukan pompanisasi sehingga sawah-sawah ini siap tanam, dan keterbatasan air pada lahan persawahan di Gorontalo diatasi dengan menanam jagung," kata Brigjen TNI Supartodi.
Mentan mengapresiasi kinerja seluruh jajaran Kodam VII/Wirabuana bersama dinas pertanian di lima provinsi di Sulawesi mendukung cetak sawah sehingga dapat mendorong peningkatan produksi pangan strategis khususnya beras.
"Dukungan Kodam dan dinas pertanian sangat kami apresiasi, dan kini Presiden Joko Widodo mengangkat muka beliau di mata dunia, karena tidak lagi ditanya kapan dan berapa banyak mau impor beras. Saya tahu Anda semua capek, dan saya pun letih tapi ini demi rakyat, demi petani kita," kata Mentan.
Menurutnya, total luas cetak sawah pada 2017 diperkirakan sekitar 80.000 hingga 100.000 hektar dan ini lebih ringan karena di bawah target 2016, dan sawah baru akan didukung embung, long storage dan jaringan irigasi.
Pendamping Petani
Sebelumnya diberitakan, Kepala Bidang Penerangan Umum (Kabidpenum) Puspen TNI Kolonel Czi Berlin mengatakan kerjasama pelaksanaan kegiatan perluasan sawah TNI AD dengan Kementerian Pertanian, prajurit TNI AD menyatakan sanggup mencetak sawah baru dan mendampingi petani meningkatkan produksi pangan.
Kolonel Czi Berlin mengatakan TNI AD melalui Direktorat Zeni Angkatan Darat (Ditziad) membentuk sembilan kepala pelaksana lapangan (Kalaklap) yang melibatkan seluruh satuan Zeni TNI AD di sembilan provinsi meliputi Papua, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Sulawesi Utara, Sulawesi Selatan, Sulawesi Tengah, Sulawesi Tenggara, Jambi, Sumatera Selatan dan Lampung, terdiri dari 52 Kabupaten dan 4 distrik dengan target 68.615 hektar.
"Kegiatan yang dilaksanakan oleh prajurit TNI AD meliputi penumbangan dan pengumpulan pohon, semak serta material lainnya atau lazim disebut land clearing dilanjutkan land levelling, pengolahan dan pembajakan tanah atau harrow and rotary serta pembuatan saluran irigasi tersier," katanya kepada pers pada awal April 2016.
Menurutnya, kendala yang dihadapi selain kondisi medan dan cuaca tapi lebih banyak terkait regulasi dan administrasi pengubahan lahan yang semula bukan lahan pertanian yang merupakan milik warga, tanah negara atau lahan hutan.
Makassar, South Sulawesi (B2B) - The Wirabuana's Sulawesi Military Command ranks second to develop wetland new - the first rank is Tanjungpura's Borneo Military Command in West and Central Borne - and level district military command (Kodim), Soppeng is ranked fifth and and Sidrap is ranked 15th to increase the production of rice, corn and soybeans called the Upsus Pajale, according to senior military officer.
The achievement was stated by Chief of Staff of Wirabuana's Sulawesi Military Command, Brig Gen Supartodi to Indonesian Agriculture Minister Andi Amran Sulaiman in coordination meetings and evaluation of the develop wetland new was attended by South Sulawesi Police Chief, Inspector General Anton Charliyan here on Friday.
"There is a water problem, and we work with the engine water pump that is ready for use by farmers, and limited water in paddy fields in Gorontalo overcome with the corn plant," he said.
Minister Sulaiman appreciated the performance of members of the Army throughout Sulawesi with the department of agriculture of the five provinces support the central government's program to boost strategic food production, especially rice.
"The support of the two institutions should be appreciated, and now President Joko Widodo can appear confident when are overseas, because it will not be asked again about the need for imported rice. I know you are all tired, and I was too tired but this is for the people, and for farmers," he said.
According to him, the total area of new wetland in in 2017 is estimated around 80,000 to 100,000 hectares and it will be easier for below target in 2016, and will be supported ponds, long storage and irrigation.
Supports the Farmers
Previously reported, Indonesian Army spokesman, Colonel Czi Berlin said the cooperation of army and griculture ministry, and army soldiers and declared able to open the wetland new, and assist farmers to increase food production.
Colonel Czi Berlin said the Indonesian Army through the directorate of army engineers formed nine heads of field staff that involves the entire unit of engineers in nine provinces include Papua, West Nusa Tenggara, North Sulawesi, South Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Southeast Sulawesi, Jambi, South Sumatra and Lampung, covers 52 districts and four districts with target of 68,615 hectares.
"The activities carried out by army soldiers such as overthrow and collection of trees, shrubs cleaning, land clearing and land leveling land, processing, harrow, rotary, and make tertiary irrigation," he told the press at the beginning of April 2016.
According to him, the main obstacle terrain and weather conditions but it is more related to the regulation and administration of land reform which was not originally agricultural land and is owned by the people, the state land or forest land.