Century Kalah Kliring Antarbank agar Dana Bailout Rp6,7 Triliun Cair?

Century Lost Interbank Clearing so that Bailout Fund Rp6,7 Trillion Disbursed?

Reporter : Rusdi Kamal
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Century Kalah Kliring Antarbank agar Dana Bailout Rp6,7 Triliun Cair?
Robert Tantular (Foto: indonesiarayanews.com)

Jakarta (B2B) - Robert Tantular, mantan Direktur Utama PT Century Mega Investindo menduga ada invisible hand yang sengaja menyebabkan Bank Century kalah kliring atau kolaps. Kondisi tersebut, diduga mendorong pemerintah memiliki dalih untuk campur tangan dan menggelontorkan dana talangan (bail out) sebesar Rp6,7 triliun sebagai Fasilitas Pendanaan Jangka Pendek (FPJP).

"Kami menduga adanya `invisible hand` yang sengaja membuat Bank Century kalah kliring antarbank agar kolaps, kalau kolaps pemerintah bisa campur tangan sehingga dana talangan Rp6,7 triliun bisa digelontorkan," kata pengacara Robert Tantular, Andy F Simangunsong di gedung KPK Jakarta, Jumat (20/9).

Hari ini (20/9), Rober Tantular kembali diperiksa sebagai saksi kasus dugaan korupsi dicairkannya FPJP, dan penetapan Bank Century sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik. Andi meminta KPK mendalami kronologi kolapsnya Bank Century, apalagi dengan dugaan adanya ´invisible hand´.

Pengacara Robert Tantular menguraikan pada 29 Oktober 2008 ada permintaan dana talangan melalui fasilitas FPJP sebesar Rp1 triliun untuk menyelamatkan Bank Century, tapi ditolak pemerintah sehingga pada 13 November Century kalah kliring antarbank, lalu kolaps.

"Saya tidak tahu apakah memang kolaps, atau sengaja dibuat kolaps, sebagai alasan ada dana talangan Rp6,7 triliun," ungkap Andi.

"Itu yang seharusnya menjadi fokus pemeriksaan KPK. Apakah betul kalah kliring dan kolapsnya Bank Century itu dibuat secara sistematis oleh pengaruh adanya invisible hand," kata Andi.

Pada 13 November 2008, Gubernur Bank Indonesia (BI) saat itu Boediono membenarkan bahwa PT Bank Century Tbk kalah kliring (pembayaran utang piutang antarbank) yang selanjutnya mengakibatkan saham bank tersebut dihentikan sementara (suspensi) dalam perdagangan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia.

"Apalagi ada dana Rp2,2 triliun dari dana talangan itu yang langsung ditempatkan di Bank Indonesia dalam bentuk sertifikat Bank Indoneisa (SBI), perlu ditelusuri sekalipun mungkin di BI ada catatan Rp2,2 triliun apakah benar ada dana SBI milik Bank Century?," kata Andy.

Menurut dia, dana Bank Century juga tidak hanya berada di BI tapi juga di Bank Century.

"Di Bank Century sendiri ada banyak dana yang dipertanyakan ke mana aliran dananya, yang wajar menjelaskannya adalah direktur utama Bank Century pasca diambil alih oleh LPS dengan direktur utama Bank Century di bawah bapak Maryono," tambah Andy.

Robert Tantular
Sebelumnya Robert Tantular mengungkapkan, FPJP mulai diberikan pada 14 November 2008 hingga 18 November 2008, dengan jumlah total Rp689 miliar dari BI. Pada 21 November 2008, Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) mengambil alih Bank Century. Kemudian, tambah Robert, dana bail out mulai dikucurkan pada 28 November 2012 hingga 21 Juli 2009 senilai Rp6,7 triliun.

Sementara itu, Robert mengatakan dirinya telah ditahan sejak 25 November 2008. Robert divonis empat tahun penjara di Pengadilan Negeri Jakarta Pusat dalam kasus Century ini.

Dalam kasus Century, KPK menetapkan Budi Mulya sebagai tersangka. Budi disangka menyalahgunakan wewenang dalam pemberian FPJP kepada Bank Century tahun 2008 dan penetapan Bank Century sebagai bank gagal berdampak sistemik. Diduga, ada kesengajaan untuk mengubah syarat rasio kecukupan modal atau capital adequacy ratio (CAR) penerima FPJP dari minimal 8 persen menjadi CAR positif sehingga CAR Century yang ketika itu hanya 2,35 persen bisa mendapat pinjaman Rp 502,07 miliar.

Jakarta (B2B) - Jakarta (B2B) - Robert Tantular, former President Director of PT Century Mega Investindo suspect the invisible hand, which resulted in the Bank Century to intentionally lose the interbank clearing or collapse. Under these conditions, the government has the excuse to intervene and then disburse bailout Rp 6, 7 trillion as Short-Term Financing Facility (FPJP).

"We suspect the ´invisible hand´ that intentionally make interbank clearing Century Bank defeated in order collapse, collapse if the government could intervene to bailout Rp 6, 7 trillion can be disbursed," said attorney Robert Tantular, Andy F Simangungsong at the KPK building on Friday (20/9).

Today (20/9), Rober Tantular re-examined as a witness in the case of alleged corruption FPJP disbursement, and the establishment of Bank Century as a failed bank systemic impact. Andi asked the KPK studied the chronology of the collapse of Bank Century, especially with allegations of ´invisible hand´.

Lawyer Robert Tantular elaborate on October 29, 2008 there are bailout request through FPJP facility Rp1 trillion to rescue Bank Century, but the government denied that on November 13, Century losing interbank clearing, and then collapse.

"I do not know if it collapses, or deliberately collapse, as the reason for bailouts Rp 6, 7 trillion," said Andi.

"That should be the focus of the KPK examination. Did very well lose the interbank clearing and the collapse of Bank Century was made systematically due to the influence of the invisible hand," said Andi.

On 13 November 2008, the Governor of Bank Indonesia (BI) at the time, Boediono confirmed that PT Bank Century Tbk lost interbank clearing (payment of debts between banks) which resulted in its share trading suspended (suspension) at the Indonesian Stock Exchange (BEI).

"Moreover, there are funds Rp2, 2 billion of bailout funds that were placed directly in the form of Bank Indonesia Bank Indonesia Certificates or SBI, might be worth exploring in the BI recorded Rp2, 2 billion if there really was owned SBI Bank Century?," Said Andy.

According to him, the Bank Century funds not only in BI, but also on the Bank Century.

"On the Bank Century itself, many questioned where the funds flow, which should explain is the chief executive of Bank Century was taken over by the post-LPS, the chief executive of Bank Century, Maryono," added Andy.

Robert Tantular
Robert Tantular previously revealed, FPJP started granted on 14 November 2008 to 18 November 2008, a total of Rp689 billion from BI. On 21 November 2008, the Deposit Insurance Agency (LPS) took over the Bank Century. Then, added Robert, bailout funds disbursed started on November 28, 2012 to July 21, 2009 as much Rp 6, 7 trillion.

Robert claimed to have been detained since 25 November 2008. Robert was sentenced to four years in prison at the Central Jakarta District Court in the case.

In the case of Century, Budi Mulya Commission set as a suspect, the alleged misuse of authority in awarding FPJP to Bank Century in 2008 and the establishment of Bank Century as a failed bank systemic impact. Allegedly, there are intent to change the terms of the capital adequacy ratio or capital adequacy ratio (CAR) to the recipient FPJP of at least 8 per cent to a positive CAR, CAR Century whereas only 2.35% so got a loan Rp502, 07 billion.