Eyang Subur Diminta Habib Selon untuk Ceraikan 4 Istrinya
Eyang Subur Asked Habib Selon to Divorce 4 Wives
Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Taswin Bahar
Translator : Dhelia Gani
HABIB Selon meminta Eyang Subur menceraikan empat istrinya, karena melanggar syariat agama Islam yang memperbolehkan poligami dengan empat istri.
Habib Selon selaku Ketua DPD Front Pembela Islam (FPI) mengaku terkejut mendengar kabar Eyang Subur memiliki sembilan istri.
"Eyang Subur punya istri sampai delapan orang atau sembilan orang. Ini akan kita kejar untuk menceraikan lima istrinya, karena dalam Islam berpoligami hanya boleh sampai empat," kata Habib Selon kepada pers di kantor FPI di kawasan Petamburan, Jakarta, Senin (1/4).
Habib mengaku tealh menanyakan kabar tersebut kepada mantan guru spritual artis Adi Bing Slamet tentang sembilan istrinya.
"Kita pertanyakan lagi pak Subur, apakah benar Anda punya istri sembilan? Jawab dia "Tidak habib, istri saya delapan. Kaget saya. Pada saat itu juga kita minta untuk empat istrinya segera diceraikan dan diberikan uang," ungkap Habib.
HABIB Selon asked Eyang Subur to divorce four his wife, because assessed violated Islamic Shari'a, which only allows polygamy to four wives.
Habib Selon as Chairman of the Council of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI) said he was surprised to hear the news Eyang Subur had nine wives.
"Eyang Subur had a wife until eight or nine people. This will we are pursuing to divorce his wife of five, because in Islam polygamy is only allowed up to four," said Habib Selon told reporters at the office of the FPI in Petamburan, Jakarta, Monday (1/4 ).
Habib claimed to have asked the truth of the news to former spiritual teacher Adi Bing Slamet about having nine wives.
"We longer questioned Mr. Subur, whether you have a wife nine? Answered him, "No habib, my wife was eight. I am shocked. At that time we also asked to divorce his wife of four and given the money," said Habib.