Jokowi Masuk ke Gorong-gorong di depan Hotel Mandarin

Jokowi Enter the Sewers in Front of the Hotel Mandarin

Reporter : Rizki Saleh
Editor : Heru S Winarno
Translator : Parulian Manalu

Jokowi Masuk ke Gorong-gorong di depan Hotel Mandarin
Jokowi masuk gorong-gorong di depan Hotel Mandarin (Foto:

Jakarta (B2B) - Gubernur DKI Jakarta, Joko Widodo masih mengenakan seragam Korpri, tanpa ragu masuk ke gorong-gorong di depan Hotel Mandarin, Jakarta, yang dibangun sejak 40 tahun lalu.

Kegiatan Jokowi meninjau saluran air tersebut menarik perhatian warga yang berada di sekitar Bundaran HI dan sekitar Hotel Mandarin. Warga sekitar terlihat ikut memperhatikan aksi Jokowi itu. Arus lalu lintas daerah Bundaran HI menjadi terhambat. Syukurnya sudah ada petugas satpol PP dan kepolisian setempat yang bersiap mengatur lalu lintas.

Melihat kondisi gorong-gorong, Jokowi pun langsung melangkahkan kakinya untuk masuk ke gorong-gorong.

Di gorong-gorong yang pertama, ia langsung masuk. Terlihat Jokowi terus berkomunikasi dengan Kepala Dinas Pekerjaan Umum DKI Ery Basworo.

Kemudian, di gorong-gorong yang kedua, Jokowi melihat keadaan gorong-gorong dengan duduk di atas penutup gorong-gorong.

Menurut Ery Basworo saluran air itu sudah lama dibangun. "Dibuat tahun 1970-an, 40 tahun lalu."

Jokowi mengeluhkan kecilnya diameter gorong-gorong.

Ery pun menjawab: "Dicoba desain diameter minimal satu meter. Kami coba ajukan 2013. Kalau Pak Gubernur setuju, dimasukkan anggaran, panjangnya dua kilometer," kata dia.

Ery menambahkan, sepanjang gorong-gorong berisi banyak endapan. "Selama ini kalau hujan sedang-sedang saja, 55 mm tidak bermasalah. Kemarin di atas 100 mm ada antrean air masuk lubang," kata dia.

Jakarta (B2B) - Governor of Jakarta, Joko Widodo Korpri was still wear uniforms Korpri, without a hesitation get into the sewer in front of the Mandarin Hotel, Jakarta, which was built 40 years ago.

Activities Jokowi review the the drains attract residents who were around Bundaran HI and around Hotel Mandarin. Residents around seen Jokowi take notice that action. Flow of traffic Bundaran HI area to be blocked. Thankfully there Satpol PP officers and local police were preparing to regulate traffic.

Seeing the condition of the culvert, immediately stepped Jokowi to get into the sewer.

In the first the sewer, he was immediately entered. Looks Jokowi continue to communicate with the Head of Jakarta Public Works Agency Ery Basworo.

Then, in the second the sewer, Jokowi see the situation the sewer to sit on top of the sewer the cover.

According to Ery Basworo long the drains was built. "Created in the 1970s, 40 years ago."

Jokowi complained of small diameter the sewer.

Ery answered: "Tried at least one meter diameter design. We try to propose 2013. If the governor agrees, put the budget, two kilometers in length," he said.

Ery added, along the sewer contain a lot of sediment. "During this time when mediocre rain, 55 mm no problem. Yesterday on a 100 mm water enters the hole there was a line," he said.