Tragedi Bintaro, Supir Truk BBM Dituding Penyebab Kecelakaan KA

Fuel Tanker Driver Accused for Deadly Crash with Passenger Train

Reporter : Roni Said
Editor : Cahyani Harzi
Translator : Dhelia Gani

Tragedi Bintaro, Supir Truk BBM Dituding Penyebab Kecelakaan KA
"Kecelakaan terjadi akibat pengemudi truk BBM yang tidak memenuhi peraturan dan menerobos palang pintu," kata Kepala Daerah Operasi 1 PT KAI Heru Isnadi (Foto: Mail Online)

Jakarta (B2B) -  Kepala Daerah Operasi 1 PT KAI Heru Isnadi menyebutkan kecelakaan antara kereta commuterline rute Serpong-Tanah Abang dengan truk tangki bensin milik PT. Pertamina adalah akibat pengemudi truk yang tidak disiplin berkendara.

"Kecelakaan terjadi akibat pengemudi truk BBM yang tidak memenuhi peraturan dan menerobos palang pintu," kata Heru pada konferensi pers di Bintaro, Tangerang, Senin.

Dia menyebutkan truk pengangkut bensin itu memaksa melintasi perlintasan kereta api bahkan saat bel sudah dibunyikan dan palang pintu sudah mulai diturunkan. "Palang pintu posisinya sudah setengah turun."

"Pukul 10:53 WIB kereta KRL meninggalkan stasiun Serpong. Pukul 11:07 - 11:09 WIB, KRL keluar dari stasiun Pondok Randji dan pukul 11:15 WIB terjadilah kecelakaan menabrak truk tangki BBM. Palang pintu kereta api sudah turun separuh ketika truk ditabrak kereta KRL," katanya lagi.

Sedikitnya delapan orang tewas saat kecelakaan terjadi, dan 72 orang lainnya luka-luka.

Di antara korban adalah masinis kereta api dan asistennya. Sementara supir truk selamat, meskipun mengalami luka-luka serius.

Jakarta (B2B) - A railway company official has blamed the truck driver for the deadly crash with a passenger train at a railway crossing in Bintaro in Jakartas southwestern outskirts on Monday.

"The fuel truck driver did not comply with the rules. He rammed through the crossings bars," the head of the state railway companys operation region 1, Isnadi, said.

He added that the siren had been sounded about five to seven minutes before the train reached the crossing.

"The train left the railway station five to seven minutes before reaching the crossing. The train was moving at a speed of 70 km per hour," he noted.

While the crossings safety bars were being lowered, the fuel truck rammed through the bars, which caused the crash, he noted.

"At 10.53 a.m., the train left Serpong station. At 11.07 a.m.-11.09 a.m, it left Pondok Randji station and at 11.15 a.m., it hit the fuel truck. The crossing bars had only been partly lowered when the truck hit the train," he said.

At least eight people have died in the accident, while another 72 people were injured.

Among the casualties were the passenger trains machinist and his assistant. The driver of the truck survived, although he sustained major injuries.