Berita Foto PJ Upsus Kementan di Pontianak Capai Target LTT Kalbar
Indonesian Senior Official West Borneo`s Working Visit in Pictures
KOMUNIKASI, koordinasi dan identifikasi masalah menjadi kunci sukses BPPSDMP Kementan selaku pelaksana PJ Upsus Provinsi Kalimantan Barat, di bawah kendali Prof [R] Dedi Nursyamsi demi melampaui realisasi luas tambah tanam [LTT] per Mei 2018 yang mencapai 350.000 hektar atau surplus 50.000 hektar ketimbang periode sama 2017, hanya 306.000 hektar.
Prof [R] Dedi Nursyamsi selaku PJ Upsus Kalbar menghadirkan Gubernur H Sutarmidji pada rapat koordinasi [Rakor Upsus] selama dua hari, 8 - 9 Agustus di Pontianak. [Naskah: - Foto2: Humas BPPSDMP Kementan]
Ini foto-fotonya .....
COMMUNICATION, coordination and problem identification became the key to success increased rice production in West Borneo province under the control of Prof. [R] Dedi Nursyamsi to repeat the success of Momon Rusmono as of May 2018 reached 350,000 hectares or surplus of 50,000 hectares over the same period in 2017, only 306,000 hectares.
Governor H Sutarmidji attended the coordination meeting in Pontianak, the provincial capital on August 8 to 9, coordinating with Head of Agriculture Service Office, Heronimus Hero in his office, dialogue with millennial farmers and agricultural extensionists followed by informal coordination with stakeholders.