Pesawat dan Pilot Pertama di Dunia setelah Dirintis Wright Bersaudara

The World`s Most Rickety Planes (Long before Air Travel Truly Took Off)

Berani: Glenn Curtiss (kiri) dan Letnan Theodore Ellyson di pesawat amfibi Curtiss A-1 Triad, pesawat Angkatan Laut AS yang pertama.
Brave: Glenn Curtiss (left) and Lt. Theodore Ellyson in the Curtiss A-1 Triad amphibian, the first U.S. Navy plane.

LEBIH DARI 3 miliar orang di seluruh dunia saat ini menikmati perjalanan udara setiap tahunnya, dengan sekitar 3.000 pesawat jet mengudara setiap saat.

Namun, 100 tahun yang lalu, di masa perintisan dirgantara banyak prototip pesawat yang gagal mengudara.

Foto-foto ini mengungkap disain awal pesawat oleh para pionir dirgantara dunia di awal abad 20 lalu seperti dilansir MailOnline.

MORE THAN 3billion people currently enjoy air travel each year, with roughly 3,000 jets in the air at any time

However, just 100 years ago, the aviation industry was still in its infancy and many prototypes failed to launch.

These images show the crudeness of their designs and how many were wide of today`s health and safety plans. (Pictures of MailOnline)