Berita Foto Kepala BPPSDMP Kementan di Food Estate Sumba Tengah

Indonesia Sumba`s Food Estate in News Pics

KEPALA BPPSDMP Kementan, Dedi Nursyamsi memotivasi penyuluh Kabupaten Sumba Tengah, NTT, mendukung kinerja petani lokasi food estate mengembangkan lumbung pangan baru di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur [NTT] seraya audiensi dengan Gubernur Victor B Laiskodat dan Bupati Paulus SK Limu [Foto2: Pusluhtan BPPSDMP/Wedi_Tbn]

EAST Nusa Tenggara province has been chosen as the site for Indonesia's new food barn to be established under the government's food estate program, said Agriculture Minister Syahrul Yasin Limpo here on July 1. For the first phase of the program, which encompasses the initial construction of the food barn, the government has provided land in the Central Sumba regency.