Jakarta (B2B) - Hasil Sidang Itsbat di Kementerian Agama, pemerintah memutuskan bahwa 1 Ramadan 1434 Hijriah jatuh besok, Rabu (10/7). Penetapan tersebut berdasarkan hasil pemantauan Badan Hisab Rukyat Kementerian Agama yang menugasi 36 orang di 33 provinsi, dan mereka semua menyatakan tidak melihat hilal.
"Saya tegaskan kembali bahwa mereka tidak melihat hilal, inilah laporan yang diterima Kementerian Agama," kata Menteri Agama, Suryadharma Ali dalam sidang itsbat di Kementerian Agama, Senin malam (8/7).
Selain laporan posisi hilal, kata Suryadharma, penetapan 1 Ramadan juga diputuskan berdasarkan kesepakatan Kementerian Agama dengan 12 organisasi massa (Ormas) Islam yang menghadiri sidang itsbat.
"Dari 12 pembicara perwakilan ormas Islam, tidak ada satupun yang menolak laporan yang disampaikan bahwa posisi hilal berada pada 0,56 derajat
. Dengan demikian, pemerintah dan ormas-ormas Islam sepakat bahwa terdapat 30 hari pada bulan Sya´ban 1434 H.
Menteri Agama mengharapkan keputusan pemerintah tersebut dapat menjadi pemersatu terhadap keputusan penetapan awal Ramadan yang berbeda.
"Apabila kebersamaan masih belum bisa diwujudkan dalam penentuan awal Ramadhan, pemerintah tidak akan berputus asa untuk terus melakukan dialog bagi mereka yang masih berbeda," ungkap Suryadharma yang juga Ketua Umum Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP).
Jakarta (B2B) - Itsbat Meeting in the the Ministry of Religious, established that 1 Ramadan 1434 Hijri starts tomorrow, Wednesday (10/7). The determination is based on the results of monitoring Rukyat Hisab Board the Ministry of Religious which assigns 36 people in 33 provinces, and they all claimed do not see the new moon.
"I will reiterate that they do not see the new moon, here´s a report received by the Ministry of Religious Affairs," Minister of Religion, Suryadharma Ali in Itsbat Meeting at the Ministry of Religious Affairs on Monday night (8/7).
In addition to reporting the position of the new moon, said Suryadhama, determination 1 Ramadan is also decided by the Ministry of Religious Affairs and the agreement 12 Islamic organizations who attended the hearing ithbat.
"Of the 12 speakers representatives of Islamic organizations, none of whom rejected the report submitted that the position of the moon is 0.56 degrees. Accordingly, the government and Muslim organizations agreed that there are 30 days in Sha´ban 1434 H.
Minister of Religious Affairs expects the government decision-making can be a unifier of the initial determination of the different Ramadan.
"If unity could still be realized in determining the beginning of Ramadan, the government would do not despair to continue a dialogue for those who are different," said Suryadhama who is also Chairman of the United Development Party (PPP).